So, this is where we turn? For those of you who missed the earlier blog. We actually set out for this drive two weeks earlier.
While Mom and I walked the streets of Jackson we came upon this shop sign. It reminded us of our 2008 Christmas "Thomoose Family Reunion," affectionately coined by Mark (Laura's husband), in conjunction with a picture we have of Dad making antlers above his head with his fingers. Dad still thinks we were making fun of him, but we weren't. We are just dazzled by Mark's creativity. The last email from Elizabeth and James coordinating our up and coming reunion was also titled "Thomoose Reunion." Sounds like the theme just may stick in honor of Dad and all the trips he took us on as kids.
During our picturesque outdoor lunch in Jackson Mom was stalked by a bee who eventually got her, but she did put up a good fight. Mom who is the last to complain about pain or discomfort (note: she had ten children) admitted it did hurt, but just a wee bit.
Did you know a copper penny held on top of the sting spot will eliminate the pain? Poof, in no time it was better. So, my random facts of useless information isn't so useless after all.
Can you believe this shot?
While in Grand Teton National Park on our way to Yellowstone we came across a fire. You can see the Tetons range in the distance. The smoke haze on the mountain views were really something.
This one is hazed over by smoke as well.
Mom and I take the West Thumb Lake walk-about.
Whoa. Thermal activity underwater... can't wait to bring Sitani, Missy Moo, Karly, Spencer, Apple, Noah, Marley, Lady Gwenevere, Preston, Lucky Eli, Jace and more back to see it one day.
Do you think the bear prints in the cement are real? Nah. But someone had a sense of humor.
We moved on down to our next stop, the infamous Old Faithful.
Mom stops for a picture in front of cooling Old Faithful.
We spent the night in West Yellowstone hot tubing and relaxing. On the way home we passed through the Island Park area and saw some impressive colors. This one we stopped for. We made it back to Idaho Falls in time to put the Lasagna in the oven and head to church to hear Alisha's talk.
Sounds like so much fun. I love drives in the fall. I just love all the colors. Beautiful.
And I love all the pictures. Hurray
How fun. I've been watching the PBS series this week on the National Parks, so this was exciting seeing you tour Yellowstone.
Thanks for a very fun weekend. I can't wait for next year when we do the same thing backwards :-) You know what I mean.
I love your posts. We want to go with you guys next time.
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